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KnowledgeLeader is a subscription-based website that provides audit programs, checklists, tools and training to help risk management professionals save time, manage risk and add value.
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A prominent risk management firm has issued its predictions for the top five risks for business in 2025. Source: complianceweek.com
“The focus has shifted from caution to growth,” said JPMorgan Chase after polling more than 1,600 executives. Source: cfo.com
Organizations can use the risk assessment questionnaire included in this tool to prepare for annual budgeting and business planning.
Use this internal audit benchmarking tool to effectively measure performance within an internal audit department using various KPIs across multiple facets.
This blog post explains the importance of entity-level controls and explores the COSO Framework.
This issue of The Bulletin features five essential lines of defense for effective risk management.
Gain comprehensive insights into risk assessment, audit schedules and significant changes in your bank audit plan, enabling you to enhance your auditing processes and strategies.
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Our site is updated regularly, and we add new content weekly, so our database is always fresh, timely and relevant. With our succinct and actionable publications from expert sources, you'll be able to keep up with hot topics and changing regulations.
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Our latest blog post emphasizes the evolving role of audit committees in corporate governance.