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Cost Accounting CPE Courses

The following 6 CPE Courses are listed based on Content Data.
Cost Accounting CPE Courses

Cost Accounting Module 5: Flexible Budgets and Overhead Anal…

This basic-level online tutorial covers flexible budgets and overhead analysis and how they are used by management to control operations.​
Mon, Apr 10, 2017
Cost Accounting CPE Courses

Cost Accounting Module 3: Cost-Volume-Profit and Activity-Ba…

This basic-level online tutorial covers cost accounting concepts related to the study of the relationships between costs and volume and their effect on profit.
Mon, Apr 10, 2017
Cost Accounting CPE Courses

Cost Accounting Module 2: Job Order Costing (KLplus CPE Cour…

This basic-level online tutorial introduces the job order costing system and process and discusses how costs for inventory, materials, labor and overhead are captured and applied to job...
Mon, Apr 10, 2017
Cost Accounting CPE Courses

Cost Accounting Module 4: Standard Costing (KLplus CPE Cours…

This basic-level online tutorial covers standard costs and how they are used by management to control operations.​
Mon, Apr 3, 2017
Cost Accounting CPE Courses

Cost Accounting Module 6: Relevant Costs for Decision-Making…

This basic-level online tutorial covers the decision-making process that businesses go through and the costs associated with those decisions.
Mon, Apr 3, 2017
Cost Accounting CPE Courses

Cost Accounting Module 1: Cost Terms, Concepts and Classific…

This basic-level online tutorial is designed to provide you with a working knowledge of the terms and concepts you will need for the more advanced topics covered in later modules.​​
Mon, Apr 3, 2017