All CPE courses

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Team Management CPE Courses

The following 16 CPE Courses are listed based on publish date.
Team Management CPE Courses

Getting What You Expect from Your Delegate (KLplus CPE Cours…

In this course, you'll learn how to supervise and motivate your delegates. You'll also learn how to respond when things go wrong and provide constructive criticism.
Mon, Dec 26, 2022
Team Management CPE Courses

Facing Virtual Team Challenges (KLplus CPE Course)

In this course, you'll learn how to handle challenges facing your team and how to evaluate your own style.
Mon, Dec 12, 2022
Team Management CPE Courses

Taking Action to Empower Employees (KLplus CPE Course)

This course will cover practical ways you can empower employees so they reach their full potential, boosting job satisfaction and organizational success.
Thu, Dec 8, 2022
Team Management CPE Courses

Contributing As a Virtual Team Member (KLplus CPE Course)

In this course, you'll learn how to develop the skills you need to show team leadership and be an effective member of a virtual team.