Internal Auditing Around the World: Volume 5

How Internal Audit Functions Adapt and Thrive in Times of Change: Insights from 11 Global Companies
Without question, the risk landscape has changed dramatically since 2005, when we published the first volume of Internal Auditing Around the World. Four years ago, many organizations were investing more in their internal audit (IA) functions as they sought to comply with the internal control requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act. Not surprisingly, internal auditors today find themselves in a very different place and facing challenges difficult to imagine just a short time ago.
How are IA functions helping their organizations adapt and even succeed in these unprecedented times? This booklet profiles 11 successful international companies undergoing significant changes, such as restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, and industry transformation internal audit best practices, processes and strategies being employed. These organizations have not only adapted successfully, but that they also have uncovered many untapped opportunities.