Mon, Jan 22, 2024
ByProtiviti KnowledgeLeader

Download the IT controls best practices in this blog post to automate user provisioning and segregate access using roles. 

1. Access Management Policy

In this Access Management Policy, we have included four sample documents that can help you ensure that access to all systems and applications within your organization is properly approved and monitored.

2. Information Technology Policy: Role-Based User Management

This policy ensures that there are additional controls in place to detect errors and safeguard company computers and networks against inadvertent exposure to external threats.

3. Service-Level Agreement Guide

This sample document can be used by organizations as a guide to developing and understanding SLAs. 

4. Process Documentation Narrative and Flow Chart Guide

Use this guide, which includes a process flow example and guidance on other elements to incorporate, to develop an adequate understanding of your organization’s processing environment.

5. Acceptable Use Policy

This tool contains two sample policies that establish standards and procedures for governing the acceptable use of technology and other information resources.